How do humans grow crops on land that would naturally be

either too dry or too wet? Explain. ?

Didn't help much:/

They choose crops that grow in those conditions. For instance, rice grows in wet lands. Farmers also irrigate dry fields.

Im sorry can you be a bit more detailed...

Certain crops take certain amounts of water to grow. So in wet lands, Rice and tropical fruits can be grown since a lot of water is required for it to grow. In dryer lands, Irrigation can be used to moisten the lands to allow for more water to come in, or other crops can be grown such as lettuce and some corn types

Humans grow crops on land that is naturally too dry or too wet by using various agricultural techniques and technologies. Here's an explanation of how they address these challenges:

1. Too Dry Land (Desert or Arid Areas):
- Irrigation Systems: Humans channel water from nearby sources such as rivers, lakes, or underground aquifers to the dry land using irrigation systems. This ensures that crops receive sufficient water for growth.
- Drip Irrigation: In water-scarce regions, farmers often use drip irrigation, a technique in which water is delivered directly to the base of each plant, minimizing evaporation and optimizing water usage.
- Rainwater Harvesting: In arid areas with occasional rainfall, farmers collect and store rainwater in reservoirs, tanks, or underground wells. This water is then used during dry spells to irrigate the crops.
- Efficient Crop Selection: Farmers choose crop varieties that are well-adapted to arid conditions, requiring less water to thrive. These crops are often drought-resistant and have mechanisms to conserve water, such as deep root systems.

2. Too Wet Land (Swampy or Marshy Areas):
- Drainage Systems: To manage excess water, farmers install drainage systems like ditches, canals, or underground pipes, which facilitate the removal of excess water from the fields. This improves soil aeration and prevents waterlogging.
- Raised Beds or Mound Cultivation: Farmers create raised beds or mounds of soil to lift the plants above the water level. This allows for proper root development and prevents water stagnation around the plants.
- Crop Selection: Farmers choose crops that can tolerate or even thrive in wet conditions, such as certain types of rice and water-loving vegetables. These crops have adaptations like shallow root systems that allow them to access water in saturated soil.

Combining these techniques and leveraging advancements in agricultural science and technology, humans can effectively grow crops even in extreme or challenging environmental conditions.

Thank you so much

You're very welcome.

No problem. Glad to help