Calculate the total mass of 1.6x10^11 atoms of Na-22 isotope (given 1 mol of Na-22=22g)

What is 1.5E11/avagradrosNumber * 22 grams

To calculate the total mass of 1.6x10^11 atoms of Na-22 isotope, we can use the information that 1 mole of Na-22 has a mass of 22 grams.

Step 1: Convert the number of atoms to moles.
To do this, we need to know Avogadro's number, which is 6.022x10^23 atoms per mole.
In this case, we have 1.6x10^11 atoms of Na-22.

1 mole of Na-22 has 6.022x10^23 atoms, so we can calculate the number of moles as follows:

Moles of Na-22 = (Number of atoms) / (Avogadro's number)
= (1.6x10^11 atoms) / (6.022x10^23 atoms/mole)
= 2.654x10^(-13) moles

Step 2: Calculate the mass of Na-22.
We know that 1 mole of Na-22 has a mass of 22 grams.

Mass of Na-22 = (Moles of Na-22) x (Mass of 1 mole of Na-22)
= (2.654x10^(-13) moles) x (22 grams/mole)
= 5.84x10^(-12) grams

Therefore, the total mass of 1.6x10^11 atoms of Na-22 isotope is approximately 5.84x10^(-12) grams.