Design program logic that receives the letter grades for 4 subjects and then based on the grades, calculate the total grade point. The program should use IF statements to determine the grade point corresponding to the letter grade (as given in the table below). Once all the letter grades for all 4 subjects have been entered, the program should display the total grade point. If the total grade point is less than 10 points, the program should print out the message ‘Repeat the course’, otherwise, display the message ‘Proceed to next course’.

Grade Grade Point
A 4
B 3
C 2
D 1
F 0

4. Student is required to use the following tools to solve each of the questions as above.
(a) Develop PAC
(b) Develop IPO
(c) Develop a Data Dictionary
(d) Develop Flowchart
(e) Develop an algorithm

Dying over here T_T

I understand that you are requesting help with designing a program logic to calculate the total grade point based on letter grades for 4 subjects. To accomplish this, you can follow these steps:

1. Develop PAC (Problem Analysis Chart):
- Start by identifying the problem or task at hand, which is to calculate the total grade point.
- Break down the problem into smaller steps or sub-tasks to understand the overall flow of the program.
- Analyze the requirements provided, such as the grade point values associated with letter grades and the conditions for passing or repeating the course.

2. Develop IPO (Input-Process-Output):
- Identify the inputs required for the program. In this case, it would be the letter grades for 4 subjects.
- Determine how the inputs will be processed. This involves using IF statements to assign grade points to each letter grade and calculating the total grade point.
- Define the output of the program, which is the total grade point.

3. Develop a Data Dictionary:
- Create a data dictionary to define the variables and their corresponding data types required for the program. For example, you may have variables like "subject1Grade", "subject2Grade", etc., to store the letter grades, and a variable "totalGradePoint" to store the calculated total grade point.

4. Develop Flowchart:
- Create a flowchart to visually represent the flow of the program. Start with an input symbol to get the grades for each subject. Then, use IF statements to assign the corresponding grade points. Add the grade points for all subjects to calculate the total grade point. Finally, use a decision symbol to determine if the student should repeat the course or proceed to the next course based on the total grade point.

5. Develop an algorithm:
- Write an algorithm to outline the steps of the program in detail. This should include instructions for obtaining the letter grades, calculating the grade points, summing up the grade points, and displaying the appropriate message based on the total grade point.

Once you have completed these steps, you can implement the program logic in a programming language of your choice, following the flowchart and algorithm as guides. Let me know if you need further assistance with any specific part of the process.