2. Why did the United States enter World War I? (Choose all that apply.) (2 points)

U.S. leaders wanted German territory.
U.S. leaders wanted to aid German efforts in the war.
U.S. leaders believed Germany had violated international law.
The U.S. economy depended on maintaining overseas trade interests.
3. Which of the following were ways that Georgians contributed to the war effort? (Choose all that apply.) (3 points)
providing food and textiles (cotton)
serving as a center of aircraft and submarine production
Young men from Georgia were drafted to fight in the war.
serving as a location for military training camps


3. a,b,d

2 - I agree, both c and d apply.

3 - b is wrong. I don't know about d. a is correct.

To answer question 2: "Why did the United States enter World War I?" we need to analyze the given options and select the correct ones.

1. U.S. leaders wanted German territory. - This option is incorrect. The United States did not enter World War I with the aim to acquire German territory.

2. U.S. leaders wanted to aid German efforts in the war. - This option is incorrect. The United States did not enter the war to support German efforts.

3. U.S. leaders believed Germany had violated international law. - This option is correct. One of the main reasons the United States entered World War I was because it believed Germany had violated international law, particularly in regards to unrestricted submarine warfare and the sinking of American merchant ships.

4. The U.S. economy depended on maintaining overseas trade interests. - This option is correct. Another reason the United States entered World War I was that its economy relied on maintaining overseas trade interests. The disruption of trade caused by the war threatened the U.S. economy, and the United States saw a need to protect its economic interests.

Therefore, the correct options for question 2 are:
- U.S. leaders believed Germany had violated international law.
- The U.S. economy depended on maintaining overseas trade interests.

Now let's move on to question 3: "Which of the following were ways that Georgians contributed to the war effort?"

1. Providing food and textiles (cotton) - This option is correct. Georgia, being an agricultural state, played a significant role in supplying food and textiles, especially cotton, to support the war effort.

2. Serving as a center of aircraft and submarine production - This option is correct. Georgia, particularly the city of Atlanta, became a center for the production of aerospace and submarine technologies during World War I.

3. Young men from Georgia were drafted to fight in the war - This option is correct. As part of the national draft system implemented during World War I, young men from Georgia were indeed drafted to fight in the war.

4. Serving as a location for military training camps - This option is correct. Georgia housed several military training camps during World War I, including Camp Gordon (later renamed Fort Gordon), which trained thousands of soldiers for combat.

Therefore, the correct options for question 3 are:
- Providing food and textiles (cotton)
- Serving as a center of aircraft and submarine production
- Young men from Georgia were drafted to fight in the war
- Serving as a location for military training camps.