“Active Learning.”University of Michagan this what I know for this writeteacher.


One of these?

yes the first one


OK, go to that webpage and then scroll down to Basic Style for Citations ...

Is there an author or editor here?

No is not author would be not the Michigan University right.

No ... only a person or people would be authors or editors.So you do the same as with the other one. Skip that part.

What is the title of the article that you'll put in quotation marks?

Active learning in quotes


Now, the title of the Website or project in italics?

The University of Michigan

No, that will be the publisher.

What's the other title that appears on this page?

Center for Research on Learning and Teaching.

Right ... and that will go in italics.

What's next on the list ... BEFORE the publisher's information?

Page number

But this website has no specified page numbers. Only PDF files seem to do that.

So you skip it and go to the publisher's information ... publisher and date (in this case a copyright date). Look at the very bottom of the webpage.

I did

What did you find? Who is the publisher and what's the copyright date?

Michigan University 2014

OK, but be sure to use the entire terminology:

The Regents of the University of Michigan, 2014.

Then what? What are the last two items you'll include?


What will your whole citation look like, once you put all the parts together?

“Active Learning’’ Center for Research on Learning and Teacher The Regents of the University ( 2014).Web. 1 Apr. 2015.


italics in the right places
period after Teacher
space before Web
no period after Apr

“Active Learning’’ Center for Research on Learning and Teacher. The Regents of the University ( 2014).Web. 1 Apr 2015. like this

Yes ... very good!


Thanks for all the help.

You're welcome!