Lexie divided these hexagons into 2 parts and shaded one part.

Which shaded parts cover half the hexagon?

A.only the shaded trapezoid
B.both the shaded triangle and the shaded Pentagon
C.only the shaded Pentagon
D.both the shaded trapezoid and the shaded Pentagon

And could you explain to me why?

What hexagons? Cannot copy and paste here.

To determine which shaded parts cover half the hexagon, we need to analyze the options provided and understand the characteristics of a hexagon.

A hexagon is a polygon with six sides. To divide a hexagon into two equal parts, we need to draw a line that equally separates the hexagon into two regions.

Let's analyze each option and see if they divide the hexagon into equal parts.

Option A: Only the shaded trapezoid. A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides. Since a hexagon does not have any parallel sides, it is not possible to divide it into equal parts using just a trapezoid. Therefore, Option A does not cover half the hexagon.

Option B: Both the shaded triangle and the shaded Pentagon. A triangle is a polygon with three sides, and a pentagon is a polygon with five sides. Together, these two shapes have a total of eight sides. Since a hexagon has six sides, it is not possible for the triangle and the pentagon to divide the hexagon into equal parts. Therefore, Option B does not cover half the hexagon.

Option C: Only the shaded Pentagon. A pentagon is a polygon with five sides. While the pentagon does not divide the hexagon into two equal parts, it covers a larger portion of the hexagon compared to the other options. Therefore, Option C does not cover half the hexagon.

Option D: Both the shaded trapezoid and the shaded Pentagon. Since Option A and Option C do not cover half the hexagon on their own, combining them does not change the fact that they cannot divide the hexagon into two equal parts. Therefore, Option D does not cover half the hexagon.

In summary, none of the provided options (A, B, C, or D) cover half the hexagon.