the main street cinema holds 1,356 people. last saturday night they were sold out for two showings of super alien 5 there was a special price of 5$ for every seat for each showing how much money did the theatre take in that night

1356 x 2 (showings) x $5 (per ticket) = ??

To find out how much money the theater took in that night, we need to multiply the number of seats in the theater (1,356) by the price per seat ($5) and then multiply the result by the number of showings of "Super Alien 5" (2).

Here's the calculation:

Total money earned = Number of seats × Price per seat × Number of showings
= 1,356 seats × $5 per seat × 2 showings

To solve this calculation, let's substitute the values and perform the multiplication:

Total money earned = 1,356 × $5 × 2
= $6,780 × 2
= $13,560

Therefore, the theater took in $13,560 that night from the two showings of "Super Alien 5".