There are 250 students in a school auditorium. 95 of the students are 6th graders. What percent of the students are 6th graders?



Divide and then multiply the decimal answer by 100.

You're welcome.

To find the percentage of students who are 6th graders, you need to divide the number of 6th graders by the total number of students, and then multiply the result by 100.

In this case, there are 95 6th graders out of a total of 250 students.

So, the calculation would be: (95 / 250) * 100.

To simplify the calculation, first divide 95 by 250: 0.38.

Then multiply the result by 100: 0.38 * 100 = 38.

Therefore, 38% of the students in the school auditorium are 6th graders.