The National Weight Control Registry found in their research that those who had maintained a significant weight loss reported improvements in ________.

A. Physical health and energy levels only

B. Stress reduction and general health

C. Physical health, energy levels, general mood, and self-confidence

D. Self-confidence and attractiveness to the opposite sex

I pick C. Am I right?

I think so.

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the question and look at the options provided:

The National Weight Control Registry conducted research on individuals who had successfully maintained a significant weight loss. According to the question, the research examined the improvements reported by these individuals.

Now, let's evaluate each answer option:

A. Physical health and energy levels only - This option implies that people only reported improvements in physical health and energy levels, which excludes other potential improvements.

B. Stress reduction and general health - This option suggests that the participants reported improvements in stress reduction and general health, but it does not mention other potential improvements.

C. Physical health, energy levels, general mood, and self-confidence - This option includes improvements in physical health, energy levels, general mood, and self-confidence. This seems like a comprehensive list of improvements.

D. Self-confidence and attractiveness to the opposite sex - This option suggests that the participants reported improvements specifically in self-confidence and attractiveness to the opposite sex. While these may be possible improvements, they do not encompass all the improvements mentioned in the question.

Based on the information provided, it seems that option C, "Physical health, energy levels, general mood, and self-confidence," would be the most comprehensive and appropriate choice. Therefore, you are correct in selecting option C.