you research the cost of a gallon of gasoline over several years to look for trends the table shows the data you have collected what is the equation of the line of best fit how much would you expect to pay for gasoline in 2029

a)y=0.538x+1.36; $33.10
b) y=0.289x+1.75:$18.80
C y=0.052x+1.75;$4.82
d) y=0.25x+1.36;$2.84
i think x is the year im confused as to how the number with $ comes into play

No table.

To find the equation of the line of best fit, you need to perform a linear regression analysis on the data. This analysis will give you the equation of a straight line that closely represents the relationship between the independent variable (in this case, the year) and the dependent variable (the cost of gasoline).

Once you have the equation of the line, you can use it to predict the cost of gasoline for a future year, such as 2029.

Looking at the given options, we can see that the equation with the corresponding prediction is:

a) y = 0.538x + 1.36; $33.10

This suggests a linear relationship where the cost of gasoline increases as the years go by.

To determine if this equation is correct and how much you would expect to pay for gasoline in 2029, you would need to do the following steps:

1. Look at the table with the collected data to verify that the equation is the best fit for the data.
2. Substitute the year 2029 into the equation, plugging in "x = 2029".
3. Calculate the predicted cost of gasoline by solving the equation for "y".

Without the actual data table provided, it is not possible to verify the accuracy of the equation or determine the expected cost for 2029.