11.   The purpose of the petition sent to King George III by the First Continental Congress was to 

A. request a place in Parliament for colonial delegates.
B. request that the king consider granting independence to the established colonies.
C. declare the right to bear arms in pursuit of liberty.
D. declare their right to approve laws passed by Parliament on behalf of the colonies. 



To determine the purpose of the petition sent to King George III by the First Continental Congress, it is necessary to analyze the options provided.

A. Requesting a place in Parliament for colonial delegates does not accurately reflect the purpose of the petition. While representation for the colonies was an important issue, it was not the main focus of the petition.

B. Requesting that the king consider granting independence to the established colonies seems closer to the purpose of the petition. However, the First Continental Congress was not yet advocating for complete independence at this point.

C. Declaring the right to bear arms in pursuit of liberty does not accurately reflect the purpose of the petition. The right to bear arms was an important issue for the colonies, but it was not the main focus of the petition.

D. Declaring their right to approve laws passed by Parliament on behalf of the colonies is the most accurate option. The purpose of the petition was to assert the rights of the colonies to have a say in the laws that affected them, rather than allowing Parliament to pass laws without colonial consent.

Therefore, the correct answer is D.

The purpose of the petition sent to King George III by the First Continental Congress was to declare their right to approve laws passed by Parliament on behalf of the colonies. Therefore, the correct answer is D.