An example of dramatic irony in The Diary of Anne Frank,Act I is when

A. Peter easily removes his Star of David but Anne has difficulty removing it because it is a symbol of her Jewish heritage.
B. Anne states she will go to Paris or be a famous dancer and the audience knows she will not get a chance to do these things.
C.Mr. Dussel says he gets along well with children but seems to be in constant conflict with Anne.
D. Anne has a nightmare and refuses to allow her mother to stay with her.
Is the answer B?



The answers are C D C B C

I will look for your answer to help :)

Anonymous is right

^^^^^^^ 100% Right

Unit 3 lesson 5

1. C
2. D
3. C
4. B
5. C

I answered your other quedtion, i already made my own posr, but i wanted to make sure. Please help me, i will try to help you :'(

You're welcome.

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what is the irony for anne frank and the foreshadow for The diary of anne frank?

thanks hal

Please make your own post as my question did not get answered.

B is correct, yes.

You will need to re-post your other question.

This was my question you answered somebody else posted the other question and used anoymous too. Thank you write teacher for helping me.

Yes, dramatic irony is when a reader or audience knows something a character does not, but Anne does not know she will be going to a camp, but the reader does from the beginning.

Hi can you please help me with my post, it is LA and it was posted yesterday. It was about what was described literally in the poem given. Please I beg you :(

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