2.An artist loved to work with smooth, flowing paint that had vibrant color. Knowing that she had many months to finish a commision her best choice for a material would be:

A.tempera paint
B.old paint
c.acrylic paint

1) cultural exchange {C}

2) oil paint {B}
3) to consider thoughtfully over an extended period of time {D}
4) Greeks borrowing images from Near East cultures {A}
5) Wright pioneered a style of architecture that was tune with nature {B}
6) cultural heritage, natural heritage, and scholastic values {B}
7) freedom of speech {D}
8) a passive observer {A}
9) an active observer {B}
10) "This artist pays close attention to capturing the shadows on the subject's face." {D}

U2L6 Art quiz

I couldn't find anything here :(

wow ty got 100

phantom is right! just make sure to pay attention the actual answer itself instead of the letters they give you because teachers do switch them up to make sure no one’s cheating

I am not really sure but I think its acrylic paint.

To determine the best choice of paint for the artist's commission, we need to consider the artist's preferences, the desired qualities of the artwork, and the time frame available.

In this case, the artist loves smooth, flowing paint with vibrant color and has many months to finish the commission. Based on these preferences and requirements, the best choice of material would be acrylic paint.

Now, let's go through the options and see why other choices may not be as suitable:

A) Tempera paint: Tempera paint is a water-based paint that dries quickly and has a matte finish. While it can have vibrant color, it may not provide the desired smooth and flowing texture that the artist prefers. Additionally, since the artist has many months to work on the commission, tempera paint may not be the best choice as it dries quickly and can be challenging to rework or make changes over an extended period.

B) Old paint: Using old paint is not a viable option as the quality and consistency of old paint may not be sufficient to achieve the desired vibrant color and smooth application. Old paint might have dried or become chunky over time, which can significantly affect the final outcome of the artwork.

D) Watercolor: Watercolor paint offers transparent and delicate colors but may not provide the smooth and vibrant color desired by the artist. Watercolor paints are also water-based and have a different texture than acrylic. They tend to be more suitable for translucent and layered effects rather than the flowing and bold color choices.

Based on the options provided, C) acrylic paint is the best choice for the artist. Acrylic paints have vibrant pigments, can be diluted with water for flowing effects, and provide smooth and consistent coverage. They also have a longer drying time compared to tempera and are not as susceptible to aging or degradation as old paint. The artist will have the flexibility to make changes, layer colors, and achieve the desired smoothness and vibrancy over the extended period available for the commission.

And your answer is?