what is the greatest challenge facing people in turkey as a result of its diversity? 1. Turks must protect their status as the largest ethnic group 2. Turks must encourage other to follow Turkish traditions 3. Kurds must struggle to keep their cultures alive 4. Kurds must attend school classes taught only in Kurdish

And you think it's ... ??

I have no idea, I just want the correct answer so I can have my grandson explain his answer to me. It's been 30 years since I graduated from college and my degree is in accounting

I would choose #3.

There's a struggle going on between the Kurds and the Turks. What used to be Kurdistan was divided, mostly between Iraq and Turkey, but ethnically the Kurds see themselves as Kurds.


The greatest challenge facing people in Turkey as a result of its diversity is often seen in the tensions between the Turks and Kurds, who are the two largest ethnic groups in the country. While it is important to note that Turkey is a diverse nation with various ethnic, religious, and cultural groups, including Armenians, Greeks, Arabs, and others, the focus of this answer will be on the Turks and Kurds as they represent significant challenges related to diversity.

1. Turks must protect their status as the largest ethnic group: One challenge faced by Turks is the perception that their dominant status may be threatened by the presence and rights of other ethnic groups. This can lead to feelings of insecurity and a desire to assert and protect their cultural, linguistic, and political dominance.

2. Turks must encourage others to follow Turkish traditions: The preservation and promotion of Turkish traditions can also be a challenge given the diverse population in Turkey. Cultural assimilation and the loss of distinctive customs are concerns for some Turks who may strive to maintain the Turkish cultural identity while accommodating others.

3. Kurds must struggle to keep their cultures alive: Kurds, a distinct ethnic group, face challenges in preserving and promoting their own language, customs, and traditions within a country where Turkish is predominantly spoken. Cultural assimilation and pressure to conform to the dominant culture can pose difficulties for Kurds in maintaining their cultural heritage.

4. Kurds must attend school classes taught only in Kurdish: Another specific challenge faced by Kurds is the lack of access to education in their native language. Historically, education in Kurdish has been restricted, with schools primarily teaching in Turkish. This limits the ability of Kurdish-speaking students to fully engage in the educational system and maintain their cultural and linguistic identities.

These challenges are complex and multifaceted, requiring careful considerations and efforts from both the government and the society to create an inclusive environment that respects and values the diversity of all ethnic groups in Turkey.