All of the following reasons cause a variance in divorce rates among segments of the population in the United States, except: (Points : 3)

1. Age at first marriage
2. Education
3. Race and ethnicity
4. Social class <--------

Please check my answer.

I agree.

social class

To verify the answer, we need to understand whether social class is a factor that causes variance in divorce rates among segments of the population in the United States.

To determine this, we can analyze each option individually:

1. Age at first marriage: This is a factor that can influence divorce rates. Typically, individuals who marry at a younger age often have a higher chance of divorcing compared to those who marry at a later age.

2. Education: Studies suggest that education level plays a role in divorce rates. Higher levels of education tend to be associated with lower divorce rates.

3. Race and ethnicity: Divorce rates can vary among different racial and ethnic groups. Cultural norms and values can influence marriage and divorce dynamics within different communities.

4. Social class: Social class can also impact divorce rates. Factors like income disparities, access to resources, and societal expectations can all contribute to differences in divorce rates among different social classes.

Based on this analysis, it appears that social class is indeed a reason that causes variance in divorce rates among segments of the population in the United States. Therefore, the correct answer is not option 4 (Social class), but rather the other three options (Age at first marriage, Education, and Race and ethnicity).