li spent $840 on vacation, She spent 2/3 of the amount on a train ticket and 1/2 of the remaining amount on food. How much did she spend on ticket and food altogether?

2/3(840) = train ticket

1/2(840 - train ticket) = food

Add the two answers.

To find out how much Li spent on a train ticket, we need to calculate 2/3 of the total amount.

2/3 * $840 = $560

So, Li spent $560 on a train ticket.

Now, to find out how much Li spent on food, we need to subtract the amount spent on a train ticket from the total amount:

$840 - $560 = $280

Now, we can calculate 1/2 of the remaining amount to find out how much Li spent on food:

1/2 * $280 = $140

Therefore, Li spent $560 on a train ticket and $140 on food.

To find out how much Li spent on ticket and food altogether, we add these two amounts:

$560 + $140 = $700

So, Li spent $700 on a train ticket and food altogether.

To find out how much Li spent on the train ticket, we need to calculate 2/3 of $840.

To do that, we multiply $840 by 2/3:

$840 * 2/3 = $560

So, Li spent $560 on the train ticket.

Next, we need to find out how much Li spent on food.

To do that, we need to calculate 1/2 of the remaining amount after buying the train ticket.

The remaining amount after buying the train ticket is $840 - $560 = $280

To find out 1/2 of $280, we multiply $280 by 1/2:

$280 * 1/2 = $140

So, Li spent $140 on food.

To find out the total amount Li spent on the train ticket and food altogether, we add the amounts together:

$560 + $140 = $700

Therefore, Li spent a total of $700 on the train ticket and food.