
When the energy of a sound wave is transferred to a particle of a medium and causes it to vibrate and generate heat, the sound wave is (1 point)

D. Transmitted.

Someone! Plz

Reed, Ms.Sue, Dr.Bob222

B. refracted or C absorbed.

I think its B.

To answer this question, we need to understand the concepts of energy transfer in sound waves. When a sound wave travels through a medium, it causes the particles of the medium to vibrate. This vibration leads to the transfer of energy from the sound wave to the particles.

In this specific scenario, the question mentions that the energy of the sound wave is transferred to a particle of the medium, which results in the generation of heat. This means that the energy is being absorbed by the particle. Therefore, the correct answer to the question is C. absorbed.

To arrive at this answer, we can eliminate options A, B, and D based on their definitions and choose C as the answer since it aligns with what is explicitly stated in the question.