

My answer is 1/45


does anyone have the answers?

To simplify 5^-1(3^-2), you can apply the rules of exponents which state that any nonzero number raised to the power of -1 is equal to its reciprocal, and any nonzero number raised to the power of 0 is equal to 1.

Starting with 5^-1(3^-2), we can rewrite it as (1/5)(1/3^2).

Simplifying further, we have (1/5)(1/9), which can be multiplied to give 1/45.

So, you are correct, the simplified form is 1/45.

To simplify the expression 5^(-1)(3^(-2)), you can use the rules of exponentiation.

Step 1: Begin by applying the exponent of -1 to the base 5. According to the rule a^(-n) = 1/(a^n), this simplifies as follows:
5^(-1) = 1/(5^1) = 1/5.

Step 2: Apply the exponent of -2 to the base 3. Using the same exponent rule, we have:
3^(-2) = 1/(3^2) = 1/9.

Step 3: Multiply the simplified terms together:
(1/5)(1/9) = 1/(5 * 9) = 1/45.

Therefore, your answer of 1/45 is indeed correct.