I might annoy you with this question but does any body know the question I posted below? This is my last question for today and I can't seem to figure it out.

I just answered it with a post 4 minutes ago. Please see your post.

Can you help me with two questions please?

12.   Henry Devine bought a new dishwasher for $320. He paid $20 down and made 10 monthly payments of $34. What actual yearly interest rate did Henry pay? 

    A. 68.75 B. 14.55 C. 34.38 D. 29.09 

The answer is not B.

14.   Juan Ramirez sells suits in a major department store on weekends. He earns a commission of 5 percent on the first ten suits, and if he sells more than ten, he earns an additional 3 percent on the additional suits. Last weekend Juan sold thirteen $250 suits. What was his commission? 

    A. $147.50 B. $185.00 C. $260.00 D. $210.40 

IT'S not A.

12. Honestly, I would think D to be the answer.

14. I would think B to be the answer.

I hope this helps? :)

P.S. I am not 100% sure if I am right, so all that I can say really is good luck with these two.

Thanks ☺

You're welcome, Sarah. :)

Like I said, I am not really sure if they are right, so I am really sorry if you get these two wrong again.

Brady I've got a 100% thank you so much.Oh by the way can I ask you a sort of personal question?

You're welcome Sarah! I'm glad that I was able to help.

You can ask me a question if you want.

Thanks for today's help.

You're welcome, Sarah. Ms. Sue deleted your question asking me if I was on everyday, and she deleted my answer to it. Have a good day!