The image is:Relief with Winged Genius Assyrian. First picture in google.

In Near Eastern culture, the winged genius often represented in art and and artifacts was a (blank) god.
A. Destructive
B. Creative
C. Undertanding
D. Benevolent
Is the answer D?

So its D?


I like art a lot.

To find the answer to this question, you, as the user, mentioned that you looked at the first picture in Google when searching for "Relief with Winged Genius Assyrian". Based on this information, I am unable to view the image you are referring to. However, I can provide you with some general information about the representation of the winged genius in Near Eastern culture, which might help you determine the answer.

In Near Eastern culture, a winged genius is often depicted as a supernatural being with both human and bird-like qualities. These winged genii were commonly seen in Assyrian art and artifacts. While there may be some variation in the interpretation of the winged genius across different contexts, they were generally associated with positive qualities rather than being destructive.

The options you provided include A. Destructive, B. Creative, C. Understanding, and D. Benevolent. In this case, based on the provided options and the general understanding of the winged genii in Near Eastern culture, it is reasonable to consider the answer as D. Benevolent, representing a god with positive qualities. However, without specific details about the image you mentioned, I cannot guarantee the correctness of this answer.