Hi could you see if I did this one right

The pie chart below shows how the total annual income for a certain family is spent. If the amount budgeted for Housing and Entertainment combined is$25,200 , what is the total family income? Housing is 22% and entertainment is 14%. I added the 22 and 14 and get 36. Than do I x or divide the $25,200.
Thank you

Just write what that means:

.36x = 25200

So, divide by the 0.36

Thank you Steve, it is appreciated.

To find the total family income, you need to calculate the percentage of the total income that represents the $25,200 budgeted for Housing and Entertainment combined.

1. First, add the percentages allocated for Housing and Entertainment: 22% + 14% = 36%.

2. Then, divide the budgeted amount by the combined percentage: $25,200 ÷ 0.36 = $70,000.

So, the total family income is $70,000.