Solve for x?

xln(x) + 1 > x + ln(x)

e^1/x > 1

Any help would be appreciated. THANK YOU!

(2) e^(1/x) > 1

When e^(1/x) = 1, (taking natural logs of both sides)
(1/x) = 0
x = infinity

Any positive number x that is less than infinity satisfies the inequality.

(1) The solution to
xln(x) + 1 = x + ln(x)
is x = 1. Values x between 0 and satisfy the inequality.

To solve the inequality xln(x) + 1 > x + ln(x), you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Rearrange the inequality to isolate the terms involving x on one side:

xln(x) - x - ln(x) + 1 > 0

Step 2: Combine the like terms:

xln(x) - ln(x) - x + 1 > 0

Step 3: Simplify:

ln(x)(x - 1) - (x - 1) > 0

Step 4: Factor out the common term:

(x - 1)(ln(x) - 1) > 0

Step 5: Determine the critical points by setting each factor equal to zero:

x - 1 = 0 (1)
ln(x) - 1 = 0 (2)

Solve equation (1):

x = 1

Solve equation (2):

ln(x) = 1
x = e

So, the critical points are x = 1 and x = e.

Step 6: Create a number line and plot the critical points on it:

e 1

Step 7: Test the intervals between the critical points:

Choose a value less than 1, let's say x = 0. Substitute it into the inequality:

(0 - 1)(ln(0) - 1) > 0
(-1)(undefined) > 0

Since ln(0) is undefined, we cannot evaluate whether it is greater than 0 or not.

Choose a value between 1 and e, let's say x = 2. Substitute it into the inequality:

(2 - 1)(ln(2) - 1) > 0
(1)(positive) > 0

Since the inequality is true, this interval satisfies the inequality.

Choose a value greater than e, let's say x = 3. Substitute it into the inequality:

(3 - 1)(ln(3) - 1) > 0
(2)(positive) > 0

Since the inequality is true, this interval satisfies the inequality.

Step 8: Determine the solution:

From the number line, we see that the solution to the inequality is x ∈ (1, e) U (e, ∞).

Now, let's move on to solving the inequality e^(1/x) > 1:

Step 1: Raise e to both sides of the inequality:

e^(1/x) > e^1

Step 2: Simplify:

e^(1/x) > e

Step 3: Take the natural logarithm of both sides:

ln(e^(1/x)) > ln(e)

Step 4: Simplify using the properties of logarithms:

1/x > 1

Step 5: Cross-multiply and simplify:

1 > x

So, the solution to the inequality e^(1/x) > 1 is x < 1.

Therefore, combining both solutions, the final solution is x < 1.