A punch recipe says to mix 4 cups pineapple juice, 8 cups orange juice, and 12 cups seltzer in order to make 18 servings of punch.

A) How many cups of each pineapple juice do you need to make 108 cups of punch?

I would appreciate it if you can show me how to do this problem

4 * 4.5 = 18 pineapple

8 * 4.5 = 36 orange
12 * 4.5 = 54 seltzer

I mean multiply each number of cups by 4.5

4+8+12 = 24 cups

108/24 = 4.5
so multiply each number of cups by 6 to get 108 cups

Note, a serving is evidently not a cup because 24 cups is 18 servings. I do not know if this is an intentional confusion or a typo.


Hi, I need help. I need answers. I really need homework done!

thanks for the help really appericiate it

How many servings can be made from 108 servings of punch?

Divide 108 and 24.


Your answer is 4.5.

18 cups of pineapple+36 cups of orange+54 cups of seltzer.

For every cup of seltzer you use, how

much orange juice do you use?

How many cups of punch does the recipe makes

