Read the following passage from the novel.

A sergeant yelled at Johnny as he started to limp past them, but when he explained in a piteous whine that his foot had been squashed by a blow from a soldier's musket and all he wanted was to get home to his mama, an officer said the men were to let "the child" pass.
Decide if this passage describes a heroic action. Then choose the statement that best describes why or why not.

A. Johnny displays heroism when he limps past the soldiers to deliver a message despite being injured.
B. Johnny displays heroism when he acts childish in order to get past British troops to deliver a message.
C. Johnny doesn't display heroism because he is just acting and not really injured.
D. Johnny doesn't display heroism when he simply delivers a message while others are fighting.

I choose B is that right?

If he wasn't really injured, then B is the best answer.

Thank you. and he wasn't really injured. You're the best Ms. Sue(:


You're welcome.

u guys are bosses don't let any1 tell u different

Thanks Ms. Sue! :)

Thanks So Much Ms.Sue

thx rain is wet ur right



The correct answers are:

Hope this helped.

3/3 100%

I swear to Lord Jesus these are correct. Amen. Peace out

Yep 100%!


3/3 100%