A bolt contained 25 yards of flannel. Nikki used 9 2/3 yards to make holiday decorations. How many yards are left?

24 3/3 - 9 2/3 = ?

I don't understand the 24 3/3. Please explain. Thank you.

To find out how many yards are left after Nikki used 9 2/3 yards, you need to subtract this amount from the total length of the bolt.

Step 1: Convert the mixed number 9 2/3 to an improper fraction.
To do this, you multiply the whole number (9) by the denominator (3), and then add the numerator (2). This gives you 27.
So, 9 2/3 is equivalent to 27/3 + 2/3, which is equal to 29/3.

Step 2: Subtract the converted fraction from the total length of the bolt.
Since the bolt contained 25 yards of flannel, you need to subtract 29/3 yards (or 9 2/3 yards) from 25 yards.
To do this, you find a common denominator, which is 3, since both fractions have a denominator of 3.
Therefore, 25 - 29/3 = (25 * 3)/3 - 29/3 = 75/3 - 29/3.
Subtracting the numerators: 75 - 29 = 46.
So, the remaining length of the bolt is 46/3 yards.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction (if necessary).
The fraction 46/3 cannot be simplified any further, so the remaining length of the bolt is 46/3 yards.

Therefore, after using 9 2/3 yards of flannel, there are 46/3 yards (or approximately 15 1/3 yards) left.