I don't know how they want me to answer this question.

¿Qué no te gusta nada?

Roughly, I think that translates to What do you not like at all?

If you absolutely loathe turnips ( my choice), you would answer No me gusto nabos.

The question depends upon punctuation. If it were: ¡Qué! ¿no te gusta nada? = What? You don't like anything? As it stands, it is not the best question.

If you answer "I absolutely loathe turnips" = No me gustan nabos de ningún modo.


To answer the question, "Qué no te gusta nada?" in Spanish, you can think about the things that you don't like at all. Consider the aspects, activities, or items that you have a strong dislike for. It could be a specific food, a particular genre of music, a certain type of weather, or any other thing that you have a negative feeling or aversion towards. Once you have identified what you do not like, you can respond to the question accordingly.