Can you check these?

1. Olivia typed 2 pages in 15 minutes. Write an equation relating the number of minutes m to the number of pages typed. How long will it take her to type 10 pages at this rate?

Ans: 15/2 = 7.5
= 7.5 * 10
= 75 minutes

2. If the ratio of Type O to non-Type O donors at a blood drive was 37:43, how many donors would be Type O out of 300 donors?

Ans: 37/43 = x/300
43x = 11100
x = 258 donors

3. The ratio of 7th grade students to 8th grade students in a soccer league is 17:23. If there are 200 students in all, how many are in the 7th grade?

Ans: 17/23 = x/200
23x = 3400
x = 148 7th grade students

I'm confused and not sure of the difference. When do i use the ratio vs when do i have to add ratios? I posted a couple of questions like that and was told they were wrong.

Example#4. 5 out of 6 students prefer pepperoni to sausage.
If Ms. Greene has 120 students, how many prefer pepperoni?

original ans:
5/6 = 5/5+6 = 5/11
5/11 = x/120
11x = 600
x = 55 students

corrected ans:
5/6 = x/120
6x = 600
x = 100

First for number 1 you would have to divide 15 by two since it is two pages. then you would multiply that by 10. so 15/2=7.5 7.5x10=75. so the answer to number 1 is 75 minutes. you are correct! hope this helps!

Joel and two friends went to the movies. They each bought a medium popcorn. Altogether, they spent $45. Write and solve an equation to determine how much each boys spent on a movie ticket?

wihch of the following pairs represent the same. rational number -7\21 and 3\9

Number 5,2,7,4 are wrong

Hi I love you

To check these answers, we need to understand the questions and verify the calculations.

1. The question asks to write an equation relating the number of minutes (m) to the number of pages typed. We are given that Olivia typed 2 pages in 15 minutes. Therefore, the equation would be m/2 = 15, where m represents the number of minutes it takes to type a certain number of pages.

To find out how long it will take her to type 10 pages, we substitute 10 for m in the equation and solve for m:
m/2 = 15
m = 2 * 15
m = 30 minutes

So, the correct answer is 30 minutes, not 75 minutes.

2. The question provides a ratio of Type O to non-Type O donors as 37:43 and asks how many donors would be Type O out of 300 donors.

To find the number of Type O donors, we need to calculate the following:
(Type O donors) / (non-Type O donors) = 37/43

Let's set up a proportion:
(37/43) = x/300, where x represents the number of Type O donors.

To solve for x, we cross-multiply and solve the equation:
43x = 37 * 300
x = (37 * 300) / 43
x ≈ 257.91

Since the number of donors must be a whole number, we should round the answer to the nearest whole number. Therefore, the correct answer is 258 Type O donors, not 258 donors as stated.

3. The question states that the ratio of 7th grade students to 8th grade students in a soccer league is 17:23. It asks how many students are in the 7th grade if there are 200 students in total.

To find the number of 7th grade students, we need to calculate the following:
(7th grade students) / (8th grade students) = 17/23

Let's set up a proportion:
(17/23) = x/200, where x represents the number of 7th grade students.

To solve for x, we cross-multiply and solve the equation:
23x = 17 * 200
x = (17 * 200) / 23
x ≈ 147.83

Since the number of students must be a whole number, we should round the answer to the nearest whole number. Therefore, the correct answer is 148 7th grade students, not 148 students as stated.

2. D+N=300 where D/N= 37/43

N=1290/8=161 non donors
D= 300-161= not your answer.
on your ratio,you should have used
37/(43+37)=x/300= donors/total
or 37*300/80=x

On the last, you did the same error, you need to do 7th/total=17/40