The best conclusion concerning delta is that the cells

a. contain no DNA.
b. contain no RNA.
c. contain only one chromosome that is very short
d. are actually in the G0 phase
e. divide in the G1phase
Explain your choice:

Would it be d?

To determine the best conclusion concerning delta, we need to analyze the given information for each option and identify the most accurate explanation.

Option a: "contain no DNA" - This option is unlikely since all cells typically contain DNA, which is the genetic material of cells.

Option b: "contain no RNA" - This option is also unlikely as cells are known to contain RNA, which plays a vital role in various cellular processes.

Option c: "contain only one chromosome that is very short" - This option is not logically supported by the given information. The number and length of chromosomes can vary across different cell types and stages of the cell cycle. However, it is not explicitly mentioned in the question that delta cells possess only one short chromosome.

Option d: "are actually in the G0 phase" - This option is a possible choice since the G0 phase refers to a non-dividing state of the cell cycle. If delta cells are in the G0 phase, it would explain why they are not actively dividing.

Option e: "divide in the G1 phase" - This option is not supported by the given information as it does not mention that delta cells are actively dividing in the G1 phase.

Based on the given options, option d, "are actually in the G0 phase," seems to be the most reasonable conclusion. However, it is important to note that without additional information or context specific to delta cells, it is challenging to make a definitive conclusion.