The Mongols have a terrible reputation in history as pillagers who destroyed all that met their path. How does this depiction of the Mongols compare with the same people who brought the Pax Mongolia?

help please, I don't get it.

I have to do this for History, But I don't know what I am supposed to write about. Thanks

Who were the "key players" during the time when the Mongols were pillaging their way across Asia and into Europe? During what time span did all this happen?

Who were the "key players" when the Pax Mongolica was in place? When and where was it in effect?

To compare the Mongols' reputation as destructive pillagers with their role in bringing the Pax Mongolica (Mongol Peace), you'll need to consider two aspects: their military conquests and the stability they brought to the regions under their control.

Firstly, the Mongols, led by Genghis Khan, were indeed incredibly successful conquerors. They established the largest continuous land empire in history, stretching from Eastern Europe to Asia. Their military tactics were brutal, and they often employed harsh tactics such as psychological warfare and the systematic destruction of cities that resisted them. This is where their reputation as pillagers and destroyers stems from.

However, it's also important to note that after establishing their empire, the Mongols worked towards creating stability and facilitating trade and communication across their vast territories. This was the period known as the Pax Mongolica. By implementing a series of policies and practices, the Mongols were able to unify and govern their empire effectively.

One of the key factors contributing to the Pax Mongolica was the Mongols' respect for diversity and their willingness to incorporate and tolerate various cultures and religions. Unlike many conquerors of the time, the Mongols did not impose a singular culture or religion on the regions they conquered. Instead, they allowed local traditions to continue, which helped to maintain stability and foster cooperation among their diverse subjects.

Additionally, the Mongols actively encouraged trade and facilitated safe travel along the Silk Road, which connected Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. This led to an era of increased economic activity, cultural exchange, and technological diffusion.

To write about this comparison, you can start by explaining the negative reputation attributed to the Mongols due to their violent conquests and the destruction caused during their military campaigns. Then, you can discuss how they established stability and fostered peace through their policies of tolerance, diversity, and trade during the Pax Mongolica. Finally, you can analyze how these different aspects of Mongol rule shaped their overall historical image and influenced the regions they conquered.