Which of the following sentences both a direct and indirect object?

A. My psychology professor has written several books.
B.My pyschology prefessor is one of the best lecturers on campus.
c.my psychology professor requires his students to quite a bit outside reading.
d. My pyschology professor gave me an autographed copy of the his lastest book.
I am think d

d is correct

You are correct! Sentence D, "My psychology professor gave me an autographed copy of his latest book," contains both a direct and an indirect object. "An autographed copy" is the direct object, representing the thing being given, and "me" is the indirect object, representing the recipient of the action. To identify the direct and indirect objects in a sentence, you can ask yourself "what" or "whom" after the verb to find the direct object, and "to/for whom" or "to/for what" to find the indirect object.