express 96 meters in 4 seconds as a unit rate

96 m / 4 s = 24 m / s


To express 96 meters in 4 seconds as a unit rate, divide the distance by the time.

Unit rate = Distance / Time

Unit rate = 96 meters / 4 seconds

Simplifying this, we get:

Unit rate = 24 meters per second

So, the unit rate for 96 meters in 4 seconds is 24 meters per second.

To express 96 meters in 4 seconds as a unit rate, you need to divide the distance by the time.

Unit rate is a ratio where the denominator is always 1. In this case, the denominator is 4 seconds.

To find the unit rate, divide the distance of 96 meters by the time of 4 seconds:

96 meters รท 4 seconds = 24 meters per second

Therefore, the unit rate of 96 meters in 4 seconds is 24 meters per second.