Choose all the double facts you can use to find the sum of 2+3?

1. 2+2
2. 5+5
3. 3+3
4. 1+1

You can use Double facts "2+2" and "3+3" to find the sum of 2+3. You're not necessarily matching the sum of 2+2 and 3+3 to the sum of 2+3... you are just using them because the facts are close to 2+3. For example: 8+7 = ?. An easy way to figure this fact out is to add 8+8, then subtract 1. Or add 7+7, then add 1. You are then using doubles to find the sum of 8+7 which is 15.

Stumped me for a minute but then it became pretty clear and easy. Hope this helps!


and if the child knows "take-away one" then the double fact 3+3 can be used.




Vkhkhkgi x oyditdktd#


3 plus 2 equal 5

Write a double fact you can use to find the sum write the sum 2+3=_


What is answer



how do I do this

How do no u find the answer the question above??

I have no clue!!!! Stuck on the same Flippin question!! Damn you common core!!

Write a double fact you can use to find the sum write the sum 2+3=_




2+2, 1+1

3+ 2=5