Which country do you think had a stronger democracy at the end of the nineteenth century, France or England? Why?

A: I think England had a stronger democracy at the end of the nineteenth century. By 1870, England, or Great Britain, had long had a working two-party parliamentary system. Thus, at the end of the nineteenth century, England had a political democracy that had successfully been established.

Good. You might want to also point out France's weaknesses.

A: I think England had a stronger democracy at the end of the nineteenth century. By 1870, England, or Great Britain, had long had a working two-party parliamentary system. In 1900, a new party---the Labour Party, which dedicated itself to the interests of workers--also emerged. Thus, at the end of the nineteenth century, England had a political democracy that had successfully been established. Politics in France during the nineteenth century, however, were not stable. The Second Empire government also collapsed during this period.


To support this claim and gain a better understanding of the political structures in both countries, you can look into the following steps:

1. Research the political systems in France and England during the late nineteenth century - Understand the key features and functioning of their respective democracies. Focus on topics such as suffrage, political parties, representation, and the power dynamics within their governments.

2. Analyze the stability and effectiveness of the political systems - Look for information on the efficiency of decision-making processes, the balance of power among different branches of government, the protection of individual rights, and the overall level of transparency and accountability in each country.

3. Assess the level of political participation and citizen engagement - Investigate the extent to which citizens were involved in the political process in both countries. Consider factors such as voter turnout, public debate, and the influence of civil society organizations.

4. Examine the influence of constitutional frameworks - Assess the impact of the respective constitutions in France and England on the functioning of their democracies. Evaluate the safeguards put in place to ensure the separation of powers, protection of individual rights, and the extent to which the constitution was followed.

5. Consider historical events and milestones - Review significant events that occurred in both countries during the late nineteenth century that might have influenced their democratic strength. This could include major political reforms, constitutional amendments, or social movements that shaped the democratic landscape.

By considering these factors, you can form a comprehensive analysis to determine which country, France or England, had a stronger democracy at the end of the nineteenth century.