Max has 5 more than twice as many

cookies as Chris. Write an expression
that shows the number of cookies Max
has if Chris has c cookies. 5+2x=c Not sure please help.

I agree with your answer.




To write an expression that shows the number of cookies Max has if Chris has c cookies, we can break down the given information.

It is given that Max has 5 more than twice as many cookies as Chris. Let's analyze this step-by-step:

1. Twice as many as Chris: To express this, we can multiply the number of cookies Chris has by 2. So, twice as many as Chris can be expressed as 2c.

2. 5 more than twice as many as Chris: To express this, we add 5 to the result from step 1. So, 5 more than twice as many as Chris can be expressed as 2c + 5.

Therefore, the expression that shows the number of cookies Max has if Chris has c cookies is 2c + 5.