Which of the following quadratic functions has a graph that opens downwards?

check all that apply

A. y=2x^2-9x+3

B. y=x^2+4x+8

C. y=-(5+2x^2)

D. y=60x-15x^2

that would have to be an even power, with a negative coefficient on the highest power.

would it be c and d?


To determine which of the given quadratic functions have graphs that open downwards, we need to examine the coefficient of the x^2 term.

A quadratic function in the form y = ax^2 + bx + c, where a is the coefficient of the x^2 term, determines the direction of the opening of the graph.

If a is positive (+), the graph opens upwards, and if a is negative (-), the graph opens downwards.

Let's examine each quadratic function:

A. y = 2x^2 - 9x + 3
The coefficient of the x^2 term is positive (a = 2), so the graph opens upwards.

B. y = x^2 + 4x + 8
The coefficient of the x^2 term is positive (a = 1), so the graph opens upwards.

C. y = -(5 + 2x^2)
The coefficient of the x^2 term is negative (a = -2), so the graph opens downwards.

D. y = 60x - 15x^2
The coefficient of the x^2 term is negative (a = -15), so the graph opens downwards.

Based on our analysis, the quadratic functions that have graphs that open downwards are C and D.