What is the genetic code?

A. The order of amino acids in proteins makes up the genetic code.
B. The order of amino acids in mRNA makes up the genetic code.
C. The order of nitrogen bases in tRNA make up the genetic code.
D. The order of nitrogen bases in DNA makes up the genetic code.
Is the answer A?
Thanks a bunches ;)

Wait, actually D

Yes, the correct answer is A. The genetic code refers to the order of amino acids in proteins. Let me explain how to arrive at this answer.

The genetic code is the set of rules by which the DNA sequence of a gene is translated into a specific sequence of amino acids in a protein. It is this specific sequence of amino acids that determines the structure and function of the protein.

To understand the genetic code, we need to know the different molecules involved in the process. DNA is the genetic material that contains the instructions for building proteins. mRNA (messenger RNA) is synthesized using the DNA template and carries the genetic information from the DNA to the ribosomes. tRNA (transfer RNA) molecules are responsible for carrying the amino acids to the ribosomes.

When a gene is expressed, the DNA double helix unwinds, and one of the strands is used as a template to make mRNA through a process called transcription. The mRNA molecule is complementary to the DNA strand, with uracil (U) substituting for thymine (T) in the RNA sequence.

The mRNA molecule then moves out of the nucleus and attaches to a ribosome in the cytoplasm. The ribosome reads the mRNA sequence in groups of three nucleotides, called codons. Each codon corresponds to a specific amino acid or a signal to start or stop protein synthesis.

Now, when we look at the options provided, we can eliminate options B, C, and D. The genetic code is not determined by the order of amino acids in mRNA (option B), the order of nitrogen bases in tRNA (option C), or the order of nitrogen bases in DNA (option D). These molecules are involved in the process of protein synthesis but do not determine the genetic code itself.

Option A, "The order of amino acids in proteins makes up the genetic code," is the correct answer. The genetic code is ultimately determined by the specific sequence of amino acids in a protein, which is dictated by the order of codons in the mRNA molecule.

I hope this explanation clarifies the concept of the genetic code for you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

hello sans, i just got killed by frisk aka chara, i am diying bye...s.s.saaaaaaaaaanssssssssssss