A pitcher contains 2/3 of lemonade. If an equal amount of lemonade is poured into 6 glasses, how much lemonade will each glass contain?

(2/3) / 6

(2/3) * (1/6) = 2/18 = 1/9 quart in each glass

2/3 of what?



big bruh

this was made in 2014 why are there still replies LOL

2/3 quart

2/3 quart


you are smart


Oh ok thank you!

You're welcome.

My answer is 1/9.

Maria had 9 liters of lemonade.

​She poured all of the lemonade​ into 6 pitchers so that there was an equal amount in each​ pitcher.

​How many liters of lemonade did Maria pour into each​ pitcher?