George makes a $1000 down payment for a car and then pays $325 per month. Elaine makes a $2500 down payment for a car and then pays $325 per month. Is there any number of months after which both George and Elaine will have paid the same amount? Explain.

G = 1000 + 325 m

E = 2500 + 325 m

E always pays more than George by 1500

Same bro

I’m also confused and out of idea😟. But I have a question for y’all to solve, I kinda have issue with.

Topic;Discount and Commission

To answer this question, we need to find out how many months it will take for both George and Elaine to have paid the same amount.

George makes a $1000 down payment and pays $325 per month, while Elaine makes a $2500 down payment and also pays $325 per month.

Let's calculate the total amount paid by George after "x" months:
Total amount paid by George = (number of months * monthly payment) + down payment
Total amount paid by George = (x * $325) + $1000
Total amount paid by George = $325x + $1000

Now, let's calculate the total amount paid by Elaine after "x" months:
Total amount paid by Elaine = (number of months * monthly payment) + down payment
Total amount paid by Elaine = (x * $325) + $2500
Total amount paid by Elaine = $325x + $2500

So, we need to find the value of "x" when both George and Elaine have paid the same amount.
$325x + $1000 = $325x + $2500

By canceling out the common terms ($325x), we get:
$1000 = $2500

This equation is not possible to solve because $1000 is not equal to $2500. Therefore, it is not possible for George and Elaine to have paid the same amount, regardless of the number of months.

In conclusion, after analyzing the given information, it is clear that George and Elaine will not have paid the same amount, regardless of the number of months.

no solution

i have no clue