Which of the following is not a model?

A.An ant farm
B.A bicycle
C.An atlas
D.A plastic human skeleton
Is the answer B?


Yes, the answer is B. A bicycle is not a model.

Yes, the answer is B. A bicycle is not a model. To arrive at this answer, we need to understand what a model is and analyze each option.

A model is a representation or an imitation of an object, system, or phenomenon that is used to explain, understand, or simulate it.

Now, let's examine each option to determine if it meets the definition of a model:

A. An ant farm: An ant farm is a model because it represents an ant colony and allows us to observe and study their behavior.

B. A bicycle: This option is not a model. A bicycle is a functional object used for transportation and does not represent or simulate anything else.

C. An atlas: An atlas is a model of the Earth's surface, providing maps and information about various locations and features.

D. A plastic human skeleton: This is also a model because it represents the structure of the human skeletal system and can be used for educational purposes.

Thus, the correct answer is B, as it is the only option that does not meet the criteria of being a model.