i need to know some of leif erikssons failures

What do you consider a failure? He certainly accomplished more in his lifetime than most of us ever dream of doing.

Well, he failed to establish a permanent presence in North America and he and the other Vikings who followed him made enemies of the natives so that a permanent establishment probably would have required an army (or smallpox or measles to eliminate the locals).

I am not sure he would consider this a failure though. Was he trying to settle America? I think he was just harvesting some timber and foods to take back to Iceland and Greenland. To us now it looks like he had a chance to found Canada and the US. However I am not sure he or the other Vikings were interested in doing that, although they did settle in Iceland, Greenland (for a while) and Russia.

something i would conisder a failure is something that he wanted to do that he was able to

I doubt if there's any documentation as to what he wanted to do.

To learn about Leif Eriksson's failures, we can start by researching his life and accomplishments. Leif Eriksson was a Norse explorer who is believed to have been the first European to set foot in North America, several centuries before Christopher Columbus. While he is well-known for his discoveries, he did encounter some failures along the way. Here are a few notable ones:

1. Failed colonization attempts: Leif Eriksson's expedition to Vinland (now part of North America) in the early 11th century was aimed at establishing a permanent settlement. However, these colonization attempts ultimately failed, and the Norse presence in North America did not endure.

2. Limited impact on European exploration: Despite his remarkable accomplishments, Leif Eriksson's exploration did not lead to significant European exploration or colonization of North America at the time. This lack of sustained interest and follow-up explorations limited the impact of his discoveries in the larger scope of European history.

3. Historical knowledge gaps: Due to limited written records from Leif Eriksson's time, many details about his life, voyages, and overall impact remain speculative or uncertain. This hampers our understanding of his failures and successes.

By researching primary and secondary sources such as historical texts, scholarly articles, and biographies about Leif Eriksson, you can gather more specific information about his failures and their significance in history.