a ship sails 145 kms on a bearing of 215 degrees. how far south of its starting point is the ship.

^%$*&@ math teachers think they are navigators. The "heading" is 215, NOT the "bearing". You take a bearing on something outside the ship, for example it might be the direction of a lighthouse.

south is 180
35 degrees west of south

answer = 145 cos 35

A ship sails 4.8km at a bearing of 145 degrees from a lighthouse. How far is the ship south of the lighthouse?

Hi please can you answer this question for me. I am finding it really hard to do it.

To determine how far south the ship is from its starting point, we can break down the information given into components.

First, we need to understand that bearings are typically measured clockwise from the north direction. So, a bearing of 215 degrees means the ship is going 215 degrees clockwise from the north direction.

Next, we can use the given information to calculate the distance traveled south.

To visualize this, we can imagine a right-angled triangle. The vertical side represents the distance southward, the horizontal side represents the distance eastward/westward (assuming the ship is starting at a point), and the hypotenuse represents the total distance traveled by the ship, which is given as 145 km.

Using this right-angled triangle, we can apply trigonometry to find the southward distance.

We know:

- The hypotenuse (total distance traveled) is 145 km.
- The angle at which the ship is sailing (bearing) is 215 degrees.

We are looking for:

- The length of the vertical side (distance southward).

To find the length of the vertical side (distance southward), we can use the sine function since it relates the length of the opposite side (vertical side) to the hypotenuse and the angle:

sin(215°) = opposite/hypotenuse

Plugging in the values we have:

sin(215°) = opposite/145

Now, we can solve for the opposite (distance southward):

opposite = sin(215°) * 145

Using a scientific calculator or an online calculator, calculate sin(215°) and then multiply the result by 145:

sin(215°) * 145 ≈ -94.07

The negative value indicates that the ship is sailing southward. Therefore, the ship is approximately 94.07 km south of its starting point.