glenn bought a new shirt on sale for 30% off. the original price of the shirt was $19.49. write an expression without subtraction to find the sale price of the shirt. then find the sale price.

19.49 x 0.7 = ?

where did you get the 0.7 from?

sale price=.7*19.49

1.0 - -0.3 = 0.7

To find the sale price of the shirt without using subtraction, you can use the concept of finding a percentage of a number. Here's how you can write an expression to find the sale price:

Step 1: Convert the percentage discount to a decimal. In this case, the discount is 30%, so you can write it as 0.30.

Step 2: Multiply the original price by the discount. The expression will be (1 - 0.30) * $19.49.

Now let's calculate the sale price of the shirt:

(1 - 0.30) * $19.49
= (0.70) * $19.49
= $13.64

Therefore, the sale price of the shirt is $13.64.