8. When constructing a perpendicular bisector, why must the compass opening be greater 1/2 than the length of the segment?

For once Ms. Sue is helpful! *gasp*

I feel bad for Mrs. Sue ;-; she passed away and people will still continue hating on her on the internet even when shes gone, ik she can be mean and useless sometimes but shes a human too and imagine being hated on by a lot of people even when your dead 0-0

so now it would be

the reason that the compass opening has to be greater than 1/2 of the segment is so it can make arcs. and the arcs would have to cross in the middle so that when go to draw the line it would be straight.

Unit 2 Lesson 8 connexus quiz


Yay! You're right!


Ms.Sue, forever in our hearts. (although you were almost no help most of the time we still appreciate you for trying)

not yall saying ms sue is dead, like how tf you know? šŸ’€

Iā€™m kinda hungry, thanks for understanding

so i would answers it like....

the reason that the compass opening has to be greater than 1/2 of the segment is so it can make arcs.


Ms. Sue

I never knew Ms. Sue personally, but I remember seeing her name on this website all of the time. RIP

You're welcome.

yo free awnsers?

these mf comments bruh

thank you


ms sue act like everyone jus got a compass on deck like....

i don't get why the compass has to be open more than 1/2 the length segment

i don't know how to finish it

in the middle

Guys I have been homeschooled since 5th grade all the way to my 10th grade year which is where I am now and Ive been despressed and have strong social anxiety to the point I dont even want to go to public school anymore cause I am so scared to talk to anybody that I want to throw up everytime I do try. So yeah homeschooling destroyed me. :)

can you explain it to me

Anonymous, u have a point!!

jake won vs tyron

Rip sue


tf yall talking about..

Is Ms. Sue like a legend or smth? what did I miss- y'all r like crying over her death but whats the source of the info?? plss




how tf u know if she dead or not lmfao

A teacher told us @who


Alli I understand you completely. I feel like I've wasted all my youth in homeschool, there is absolutely no way to fix the past years for me it ruined me.

Alli we don't care. That's a you problem not ours.

That's a good start. Continue --

Where do the arcs have to cross?

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Get a compass and try it.

How else are you going to get arcs above and below the line?