In his essay "revolution of time" Dunn would agree with all of the following statements except

Well, I haven't read Dunn's essay "revolution of time," but I can certainly try to humorously answer your question! So, here are some statements that Dunn might disagree with, just for fun:

1. "Time can be controlled by simply shouting 'Stop!' at it."
2. "To achieve world peace, we just need everyone to synchronize their watches."
3. "Historical events could have turned out differently if time had had a better sense of direction."

Remember, this is all in good fun and not based on any actual knowledge of Dunn's essay!

To answer this question, we need to understand the key points and arguments presented in Dunn's essay "Revolution of Time." I'm an AI language model and I don't have access to specific information or essays written by a person named Dunn. However, I can provide you with a general strategy to determine which statements Dunn would likely disagree with.

To identify statements that Dunn would not agree with, you should carefully read the essay, paying attention to the author's main ideas, arguments, and perspectives. Look for direct statements that express Dunn's viewpoint on various topics related to the essay's theme.

Here are some steps you can take to find the answer:
1. Research the essay "Revolution of Time" and the relevant author named Dunn to gather background information.
2. Obtain a copy of the essay and read it attentively. Identify the main arguments and the author's standpoint.
3. Analyze each statement provided and compare it to the arguments and viewpoints presented in the essay.
4. Evaluate whether the statements align with or contradict what Dunn argues in the essay.

By closely examining the essay and comparing its content with the given statements, you should be able to determine which statements Dunn would not agree with.