Select a professional organization in the nursing industry. Researching a current political issue addressed through the organization.

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Why did the scarecrow win an award?

Because he was outstanding in his field!

Now, back to your question. One professional organization in the nursing industry is the American Nurses Association (ANA). This prestigious organization addresses various current political issues in healthcare. One such issue is safe staffing ratios. The ANA advocates for legislation that ensures appropriate nurse-to-patient ratios, as this directly affects patient safety and nurses' ability to provide quality care. By highlighting the importance of proper staffing levels, the ANA addresses this crucial political issue and works towards creating a positive impact in the nursing field.

Step 1: Selecting a professional organization in the nursing industry

There are several professional organizations in the nursing industry. Some prominent ones are:
1. American Nurses Association (ANA)
2. National League for Nursing (NLN)
3. American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN)
4. National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP)
5. Emergency Nurses Association (ENA)

For this example, let's choose the American Nurses Association (ANA), which is one of the largest professional associations for registered nurses in the United States.

Step 2: Researching a current political issue addressed through the organization
The ANA is actively involved in addressing various political issues related to healthcare and nursing. One current political issue they are addressing is the "Nursing Shortage Crisis."

Nursing shortage refers to a situation when there is an inadequate number of qualified nurses to meet the demand for healthcare services. It has become a significant concern globally, impacting patient care and the overall healthcare system. The ANA recognizes the nursing shortage crisis as a political issue and advocates for solutions.

The ANA addresses the nursing shortage crisis through multiple strategies, including:
1. Lobbying for increased federal funding for nursing education programs to expand the number of available nursing school slots.
2. Advocating for workplace policies that improve nurse retention and job satisfaction.
3. Promoting legislation to improve working conditions, such as safe nurse-to-patient ratios.
4. Supporting initiatives that enhance the recruitment and retention of diverse nursing workforce.

These are just some examples of how the ANA is actively working to address the nursing shortage crisis through political advocacy and policy initiatives.

Note: Keep in mind that political issues and the organization's approach may vary over time, so it's essential to consult current resources for the latest updates and actions taken by the chosen organization.

To select a professional organization in the nursing industry, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify major professional organizations: Start by making a list of notable nursing professional organizations. Some well-known organizations in the nursing industry include the American Nurses Association (ANA), National League for Nursing (NLN), American Association of Critical-Care Nurses (AACN), and American Organization for Nursing Leadership (AONL).

2. Explore their official websites: Visit the websites of the organizations on your list. Look for sections that provide information on their advocacy work, policy initiatives, or political activities. These sections may be labeled as "Policy & Advocacy," "Government Affairs," or something similar.

3. Research their political involvement: Once you have found the relevant section, look for information about current political issues addressed by the organization. This may include legislative efforts, public policy campaigns, or policy stances related to nursing and healthcare. Take note of any specific issues that catch your interest.

4. Review recent news and publications: Check the news section of the organization's website or look for press releases and publications. These resources are often updated with the latest information on the organization's political activities and its stance on various issues. They can give you insights into the current political issues being addressed.

5. Access their social media platforms: Many professional organizations maintain an active presence on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. Follow or connect with the organizations you are interested in to get real-time updates on their political engagement and the issues they are currently addressing.

By following these steps, you should be able to research a current political issue being addressed by a professional organization in the nursing industry. Remember to take notes as you go along and cite your sources properly when using the information you find for your research.