2 triangles of the same shape are always

A) similar
B) equilateral
C) congruent
D) symmetrical
E) equal


Two triangles of the same shape are always similar (option A).

To understand this concept, let's first define what it means for two triangles to be similar. Similar triangles are triangles that have the same shape but may have different sizes. The angles of similar triangles are equal, while the corresponding sides are proportional.

When we say two triangles are of the same shape, it means their angles are equal, regardless of their sizes. This property of having equal angles makes them similar.

To determine the similarity of two triangles, we may use the Angle-Angle (AA) similarity criterion. According to this criterion, if two triangles have two corresponding angles that are equal, then the triangles are similar.

Therefore, two triangles of the same shape will always be similar, making option A the correct answer.