Nahana takes 2 hours to deliver newspapers to her 125 customers. Angela delivers the same number of newspapers in 3 hours. How long will it take them to deliver the 125 newspapers if they work together? I'm so confused.

N delivers 125/2 papers per hour

A delivers 125/3 papers per hour
together they deliver (125/2 +125/3) papers/hr
that is really 125(1/2+1/3) = 125 (3/6+2/6) = 125 (5/6) papers/hr
125 (5/6) papers/hr * x hours = 125 newspapers
x = 6/5 hours = 1 1/5
1/5 hour = 60/5 = 12 minutes
an hour and 12 minutes

To solve this problem, we need to find the rate at which each person delivers newspapers per hour. Once we have that, we can determine how long it will take them to deliver 125 newspapers if they work together.

First, let's find the individual rates of Nahana and Angela.

Nahana delivers the 125 newspapers in 2 hours. So her rate can be calculated as:

Rate of Nahana = Number of newspapers delivered / Time taken = 125 newspapers / 2 hours = 62.5 newspapers per hour.

Similarly, Angela delivers the same number of newspapers in 3 hours. So her rate is:

Rate of Angela = Number of newspapers delivered / Time taken = 125 newspapers / 3 hours ≈ 41.67 newspapers per hour (rounded to two decimal places).

Now that we know their individual rates, we can find the combined rate when they work together.

Combined rate = Rate of Nahana + Rate of Angela = 62.5 newspapers per hour + 41.67 newspapers per hour = 104.17 newspapers per hour (rounded to two decimal places).

Finally, to determine how long it will take them to deliver 125 newspapers together, we divide the number of newspapers by the combined rate:

Time taken together = Number of newspapers / Combined rate = 125 newspapers / 104.17 newspapers per hour ≈ 1.20 hours (rounded to two decimal places).

Therefore, it will take Nahana and Angela approximately 1.20 hours (or 1 hour and 12 minutes) to deliver the 125 newspapers if they work together.