She waited patiently for her turn on line at the New Age bookstore.


Which word are you supposed to identify?

adverb seen this question before.

Which word do you think is an adverb?


In order to determine the part of speech for each word in the sentence "She waited patiently for her turn in line at the New Age bookstore," we can break down the sentence and examine each word individually:

1. "She" - This word is a pronoun, specifically a third-person singular pronoun indicating a female subject.

2. "waited" - This word is a verb, specifically the past tense form of the verb "wait," which means to stay in place until a particular event or time occurs.

3. "patiently" - This word is an adverb. It modifies the verb "waited" and describes how the waiting was done, indicating that she waited calmly or without becoming frustrated.

4. "for" - This word is a preposition. It shows the relationship between "waited" and "her turn" and indicates the purpose of the waiting.

5. "her" - This word is a possessive pronoun, showing ownership or association with the subject of the sentence.

6. "turn" - This word is a noun. It refers to the moment when it is someone's chance or opportunity to do something.

7. "on" - This word is a preposition. It shows the relationship between "turn" and "line" and indicates the position or location of her turn.

8. "line" - This word is a noun. It refers to a queue or a row of people waiting for their turn.

9. "at" - This word is a preposition. It shows the relationship between "line" and "New Age bookstore" and indicates the location or place where the line is situated.

10. "the" - This word is an article. It specifies that the following noun, "New Age bookstore," is a specific one among many possible bookstores.

11. "New Age" - These two words together form an adjective phrase. They describe the type or category of bookstore, indicating that it focuses on New Age or alternative spiritual beliefs or practices.

12. "bookstore" - This word is a noun. It identifies the specific place where the line is located, which is a store that sells books.

In summary, the parts of speech in the sentence are as follows:
- Pronoun (She)
- Verb (waited)
- Adverb (patiently)
- Preposition (for, on, at)
- Possessive pronoun (her)
- Noun (turn, line, bookstore)
- Adjective (New Age)
- Article (the)