Here on earth it is true,yesterday is always before today;but there is a place where yesterday always follows today.Where?

and probably not even homework

International Date Line

The scenario you described, where yesterday always follows today, is a concept that does not exist on Earth. However, there is a fictional place where this concept holds true, and that is the planet Mercury. Allow me to explain how this is possible.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun in our solar system. Due to its proximity to the Sun, Mercury experiences an extremely fast orbital period. It takes approximately 88 Earth days for Mercury to complete one orbit around the Sun.

Now, imagine you were standing on the surface of Mercury. As Mercury orbits around the Sun, its rotation on its axis is very slow. In fact, it takes about 176 Earth days for Mercury to complete one full rotation. This means that a day on Mercury is twice as long as its entire orbital period.

As a result, on Mercury, a "day" or period of daylight lasts for about 176 Earth days, and the time it takes for the Sun to rise and set is longer than its orbital period of 88 Earth days. In this scenario, yesterday, which is defined as the period of time before today, will follow today in terms of the Sun rising and setting.

It's important to note that this concept of yesterday following today on Mercury is purely hypothetical and based on the relative positions of the Sun and the planet. In reality, time and the order of days always progress in a consistent manner, with yesterday always preceding today.