1. Describe the program with gestures.

2. You have to gesture the kind of program in mind.
3. Mime the kind of program you like.
4. Gesture the kind of program you like best.
5. You have to describe the kind of program you are thinking of with mime.
6. You have to act out the kind of program you like.
7. You should act the kind of program in mind out, so that others can guess it.
8. With hands and legs, you can gesture what kind of program you like.
9. Gesture what program in mind.(Is this right?)

Would you check the directions? If you have better directions, would you let me know them?

7. You should act out the kind of program you have in mind so that others can guess it.

9. Gesture what program you have in mind.

The others seem OK.


The directions you've listed seem to revolve around using gestures and mime to describe or show the kind of program you have in mind or the kind of program you like. These directions are focused on non-verbal communication to convey your preferences or thoughts on a specific program.

However, I would suggest some alternative directions that may provide clearer guidance:

1. Use gestures to describe a specific program.
2. Demonstrate with gestures the type of program you have in mind.
3. Mime your favorite genre or category of programs.
4. Gesture and mime the kind of program that you like the most.
5. Act out the features or characteristics of the program you are thinking of using mime.
6. Perform a physical representation of the type of program that you enjoy.
7. Act out the program you have in mind, allowing others to guess what it is.
8. Use hand and body movements to indicate your preference for a specific program.
9. Gesture to represent the program you have in mind.

With these alternative directions, the focus remains on using gestures, mime, or physical movements to convey your thoughts and preferences about a program.